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UN Women Report: Only 26 Countries are Led by Women

June 25, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: According to a report by UN Women, only 26 countries in the world are led by women, and there are no women in leadership positions in 113 countries.

The report, released today (June 25), examines women's participation in politics in 2024.

According to the report, while the percentage of women heading ministries has increased to 23.3% in 2024, this figure represents only a slight growth compared to 2023.

The UN Women report emphasizes that women's roles at decision-making levels remain limited and achieving gender equality in political life remains an "unattainable" goal.

The report also indicates that women are more represented in social, family, and minority leadership sectors, whereas political, economic, justice, and defense sectors remain dominated by men.

The organization states that in 113 countries, no women hold leadership positions, and in 7 countries, women are not even present in the cabinet.

A decade ago, only 18 countries were led by women. UN Women has termed this difference as relative progress.


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