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Richard Bennett: Taliban's Suppression of Women Should Shock Human Conscience

July 3, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: Richard Bennett, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for Afghanistan, has once again called for an immediate halt to Taliban's restrictions on women and girls, emphasizing that the Taliban must take positive steps as soon as possible to end a system that deprives women and girls of their fundamental rights.

Mr. Bennett, through a video posted on his X account, stated that systematic violations of human rights in Afghanistan, especially women's rights, have intensified. He emphasized, "The institutionalization of Taliban's suppression system against women and girls and the ongoing harm caused by this group should shock the human conscience."

The UN Special Rapporteur for Afghanistan has called for an approach using "all tools" to challenge and eliminate the institutionalized system of gender-based oppression by the Taliban and to hold leaders of this group accountable.

He stated that this approach includes using international accountability mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, as well as pursuing cases domestically under the principle of universal jurisdiction.

Bennett also urged UN member states to accept and support the concept of "gender apartheid," stating, "You've heard Afghan women say that this term 'gender apartheid' describes their situation best. So, gender apartheid must be officially recognized in this country."

The UN Special Rapporteur calls on the global community and international organizations to prioritize securing the rights of Afghan women in all discussions related to Afghanistan.

This comes that Taliban with their takeover of Afghanistan, has issued over 50 restrictive orders against women and girls in the country. These orders have deprived women of all their basic rights, including education, work, travel, and political participation.

The Taliban has been accused by countries around the world of violating human rights in Afghanistan through these restrictions.


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