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Protest by the Powerful Women of Afghanistan Movement Against US Financial and Political Support for the Taliban
July 22, 2024
Zan News
Zan News: The Powerful Women of Afghanistan Movement has strongly criticized the United States' financial and political support for the Taliban in a statement.
In the statement published on Monday (July 22), the Powerful Women of Afghanistan Movement called on the American people to stand against their government’s policies in supporting the Taliban.
The movement stated that "Afghanistan was handed over to the Taliban through a disgraceful regional and international deal, and over the past three years, this ignorant and dark-minded group has spared no oppression and tyranny against the people of Afghanistan, especially women."
Expressing regret over the US's financial and political support for the Taliban, the statement highlighted that $40 million is paid weekly to this group without transparency and accountability, which has made the Taliban "more bloodthirsty and criminal."
In the statement, the movement addressed the American people, urging them not to pay taxes to a government that supports the Taliban, as these taxes end up in the pockets of misogynistic terrorists.
The movement blamed the Biden administration for the fall of the previous Afghan government and called on Americans not to vote for Joe Biden in the presidential election, as such voting would mean "trampling on democracy and human rights values."
The statement from the Powerful Women of Afghanistan Movement said that "the people of Afghanistan call on the advocates of democracy and human rights to break their disgraceful silence on Taliban crimes and not politicize human and global values."
Addressing American women, the statement urged them to stand by Afghan women and not allow "terrorists and misogynists to be strategic allies" of their country.
This comes after the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reported about two months ago that the Taliban benefit from the aid provided by the US and its implementing partners in Afghanistan.
However, recently, Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the US State Department, dismissed claims of financial aid from Washington to the Taliban as incorrect.
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