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Michael Mccaul: Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule is the Most Oppressive Country in the World for Women and Girls

May 25, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Says Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule is the "most oppressive" Country in the World for Women and Girls.

According to a statement from the U.S. House of Representatives, Michael McCaul said that the U.S. government, in collaboration with its allies, should pressure the Taliban to end the widespread human rights abuses against women, men, and innocent children.

McCaul, referring to the Taliban's continued restrictions on Afghan women and girls, warned that Afghanistan is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis.

He added that the hard-fought gains for the advancement of women's rights and the promotion of democracy in Afghanistan have been lost with President Biden's decision to withdraw unilaterally.

The Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee further emphasized that "girls have been banned from attending school after the sixth grade. Women have been banned from working in government institutions. We know that the Taliban brutally repress religious minorities and freedom of the press."

McCaul also expressed concern that U.S. financial assistance is going into the pockets of Taliban fighters and loyalists instead of reaching the suffering Afghan women and children.

This statement comes as the Taliban have been repeatedly accused by international organizations and bodies of widespread human rights abuses, particularly against women and girls, since their takeover of Afghanistan in 2021.

During this time, the Taliban have imposed severe restrictions on Afghan women and girls, including denying them access to education and employment.


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