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Photo: AP

Britain Assisted Over One Million Women in Afghanistan in 2023

August 20, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: The British Embassy for Afghanistan states that in 2023, they have provided humanitarian aid to more than 2.7 million people in the country, among whom 1.3 million were Afghan women who benefited from this assistance.

In a message released on Monday (August 19th) to mark World Humanitarian Day, the embassy emphasized that it would continue its collaboration with international partners to improve the difficult humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.

Robert Dickson, the chargé d'affaires of the British Embassy for Afghanistan, also mentioned his recent visit to Kabul, stating that Britain's humanitarian efforts have had a positive impact on the lives of the people in this country.

It is worth noting that Irish officials have previously announced that, on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day, their country will provide €150 million in aid to Afghanistan, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan, and Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has designated August 19th as World Humanitarian Day and announced in a statement that in 2023, 280 aid workers have lost their lives in 33 countries.


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