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Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network: August 15 is a Black and Ominous Day for the People of Afghanistan

August 11, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: On the eve of the third anniversary of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network has issued a statement calling August 15 a black and ominous day for the people of Afghanistan and urging the international community to support the Afghan people.

The statement reads: “August 15, 2021, is the day the international community handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban, destroying the lives, destinies, and futures of millions of Afghans.”

The network emphasized that this day symbolizes the unjust transfer of power to a “terrorist group” and the collapse of the hopes and dreams of the Afghan people.

The statement also highlights ongoing crises in Afghanistan, including the denial of women's basic rights, increased domestic violence, forced marriages, and gender discrimination.

According to the network, the Taliban, through their “restrictive and cruel” decrees, the establishment of desert courts, and proxy wars, pose a serious threat to the future of Afghanistan and the world.

The network also stresses the existence of gender apartheid in Afghanistan and calls for the international community to recognize this situation and hold the perpetrators accountable.

In the statement, the Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network reaffirms its commitment to continue the fight for freedom, peace, and hope in Afghanistan and urges the international community to hear the voices of the Afghan people and withdraw support from the Taliban.


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