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Image by: Reuters

World Food Programme Director: The World Has Not Forgotten Afghan Women and Girls

July 30, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: Hsiao-Wei Lee, the World Food Programme (WFP) Director for Afghanistan, stated that behind all the stories of female entrepreneurs in this country lies a "desire for education."

In a video published on its X account, the World Food Program announced that Wei Lee met with girls and women who have been deprived of education and are now involved in small businesses.

During the visit, Wei Lee said that the WFP has supported hundreds of women in areas such as food preparation, poultry farming, and sewing skills training, providing them with employment opportunities.

Welcoming the progress of women's and girls' skills in Afghanistan, she added that female tailors have now gained the necessary skills for fashion design, started their own businesses, and are selling their products. Wei Lee noted that behind all these positive stories, there is also a hidden, sorrowful narrative.

According to Wei Lee, a young girl involved in poultry farming expressed her desire to continue her education. This girl mentioned that a few years ago, she was about to finish seventh grade but was prevented from continuing her studies due to Taliban restrictions.

The WFP Director for Afghanistan said, "Girls in Afghanistan are charting a new path for themselves, but this is not necessarily what they wanted. We continue to help them reclaim their representation and show them that the world has not forgotten them."

It is noteworthy that since the Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan, girls and women have been barred from higher education and many other restrictions have been imposed on them.

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