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Qatar Red Crescent to Establish 10 Health Centers for Women and Children in Afghanistan

May 27, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: The Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has announced that it will build 10 health centers in underserved areas of Afghanistan to provide services to mothers and children.

The organization said in a statement that the goal of the project is to provide primary health care and improve health services for mothers and children in Afghanistan.

Mohammed Salah Ibrahim, head of international aid and development at QRCS, said the centers will provide health services to 250,000 mothers and children annually. He did not provide further details on the cost of the project.

Mr. Ibrahim also said that during his visit to Afghanistan, he extended QRCS's cooperation with the "CHC" institution in the provision of medicines, medical and non-medical supplies and equipment, and the training of health workers until 2027.

In addition, QRCS, with financial support from the Qatar Development Fund (QFFD), has signed an agreement with the Afghan Red Crescent Society (run by the Taliban) to provide food assistance to families vulnerable to natural disasters in the country. The project will benefit 800 families in Farah, Faryab and Helmand provinces.

These actions come as the health sector in Afghanistan has been severely affected since the Taliban took over the country. The Taliban has repeatedly called on other countries for cooperation in this area.

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