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The Associated Press

Purple Saturday Movement: The Actual Number of Women Imprisoned by the Taliban is More than Two Thousand

July 18, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: The Purple Saturday Movement and several protesting women have announced that the actual number of women imprisoned by the Taliban is more than two thousand.

In a statement, the movement said that while Taliban officials recently reported the number of women in prisons to be 500, the real number is much higher.

This movement has quoted a source as saying that more than 2,000 women are held in Taliban prisons.

The statement read: "A few days ago, the Taliban emphasized that there are only 500 female prisoners in all the prisons of Afghanistan. However, this source claims that the actual number is over 2,000, painting a grim picture."

The Purple Saturday Movement reports from its source that some women became pregnant while in custody by Taliban members. The statement said: "If proven, this allegation indicates severe human rights violations behind the walls of Taliban prisons."

The movement added that some families, due to traditional culture, are unwilling to speak about the imprisonment of their female family members. It continued: "This silence keeps the true statistics hidden, causing many women to suffer in silence without public acknowledgment and support."

This comes as the Taliban have arrested and tortured hundreds of women over the past three years on various charges, including protesting against their regime. The Taliban have also restricted women's access to education, work, and freedom of movement.

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