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Malala Yousafzai: Women and Girls in Afghanistan Facing Unacceptable Abuse and Threats

July 6, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: Malala Yousafzai, education activist and Nobel laureate, has expressed concern over the forced deportation of Afghan citizens, particularly women and girls, from Pakistan. She warned that this process puts them at risk of "suffering the Taliban's brutal oppression" and disproportionately affects Afghan women.

In a message posted on her X account, Ms. Yousafzai wrote that under the Taliban's "gender apartheid" system, women and girls face unacceptable abuse and threats.

Highlighting the Taliban's policies towards women and girls, Malala Yousafzai emphasized that their safety should be a priority and urged the Pakistani government to reconsider the forced deportation of Afghan citizens and protect Afghan women and girls from "oppression."

She added that women and girls in Afghanistan are denied education beyond the sixth grade, and the Pakistani government should ensure that Afghan girls who remain in Pakistan have access to education.

This comes as Pakistan initiated a forced deportation drive of undocumented migrants from the country in November last year, which includes 1.7 million Afghan citizens residing there.

According to the latest statistics released by the International Organization for Migration, over 500,000 people have been returned from Pakistan to Afghanistan, with around 80% of them being women and girls.

Previously, various organizations, including the United Nations and Amnesty International, have called on Pakistan to halt this process, as women and girls are deprived of all their rights under Taliban rule.

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