Hamid Samar is an Afghan media entrepreneur and visionary leader, best known as the founder and president of Zan TV, the first television channel in Afghanistan dedicated exclusively to women’s voices and stories...
His entrepreneurial spirit has driven him to establish multiple successful ventures, creating employment opportunities for Afghans both within the country and abroad.
In 2016, Samar founded RASA TV in Nengarhar province, demonstrating his dedication to expanding media access across Afghanistan. Building on this achievement, he launched Zan TV in 2017, a trailblazing platform that quickly gained national and international acclaim for its commitment to empowering Afghan women through media. Zan TV became a symbol of hope and resilience, offering women a space to express themselves, report on issues relevant to their lives, and challenge societal norms.
Samar’s passion for media innovation led to the creation of Zan Media Academy, the first hands-on media training center for women journalists in Afghanistan, equipping them with practical skills and confidence in their craft.
Amid the significant challenges following the Taliban’s return to power in 2021, Samar’s leadership has kept Zan TV alive, adapting to restrictions while maintaining its mission of advocating for Afghan women. His unwavering dedication serves as an inspiration, underscoring his belief in the power of media to foster change and promote equality.